Living in a brothel

Related to mum

Just looking for a bit of advise regarding social Housing.

I live in a really high demand area and know its a struggle to come by social housing in my area, its over subscribed by about 14000!!

I first came here from refuge, the council placed me band C and was accepted homeless but was told I couldn't get higher that a band C simply because I didn't have local connection, had I had local connection they would of banded me B. The the homelessness team helped me and my daughter by offering to pay the deposit should I find a private let, which I did, nice big flat and we made it into a home. 

Once leaving the refuge and settling in our new home, after all of the hype was over I found my self crying day in and day out, like every emotion from the day I left my home for refuge came crashing down on me. I went to the doctors and was advised I was suffering from PTSD. She helped me figure ways to manage it and gave me anti-anxiety tablets. I decided not to take the tablets and went out and got myself a job and a life 

My problem is, from the day we moved in there had been anywhere up to 10 men knocking on my door day and night. Naively I just thought the previous tenants new a lot of people and had just up and vanished. abaout a month later I spoke to my neighbor and he told me the flat I live in was used as a Chinese brothel. From that point I obviously wouldnt answer the door when it knocked or would tell these men I would call the police if they came back through my door. A few times, men have come knocking absolutly **** faced and have been aggressive.

This is totally triggering my PTSD and it wont stop. Ive done all I can to deter them, cctv sign, got the landlord to put a gate on the entrance (basement flat) the buzzer litterally goes all night, for the past 6 months the lock on the main door was broken so they were just letting them selves in. I dont know whats worse, the knocking or the buzzing at 3am. But i am just so scared. I am scared to go out incase theres a man trying to get in. one even fell asleep outside my door and I had to call police to remove him!!

I have now got LOCAL CONNECTION from my council. My doctor has written a letter telling them its inapropriate and unsafe for us to be living here. Do you think that is reason enough to up my banding? I just dont know how it works. 


1 Answers

This is awful. Hope you get out soon

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